Parts of the Whole

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I heart toys

Anyone who knows me knows that I have a thing for electronics. I'm a total nerd when it comes to them. But overshadowing my love for electronics is my devotion to appliances. I have a breadmaker that my bro gave me for Christmas, an electric tea kettle that was a life saver in the dorm, a dehydrator that has made dog treats super affordable, the list goes on and on. I recently added this to my collection:

AND it was free. 

See, I love quesadillas because they're so freaking easy and we always have stuff on hand to make them. My problem in that from pancakes to grilled cheese sandwiches, I'm the worst flipper ever. When I do quesadillas, the filling goes everywhere, one side gets burnt, the cheese doesn't melt and then the second one comes out perfect. I mentioned this to my coworker one day at break and she mentioned she had a maker she wasn't using because of course, she was not void of the ability to flip two freaking tortillas that were melted together. The next day I came to work and she presented me with my new love, the quesadilla maker. This thing is genius. The cheese melts perfectly, the tortillas get crisp with out being over done, it's a little slice of heaven when I look at the finished product (please excuse the missing piece, I can assure you it was delicious).

The UDG family thanks the coworker from heaven from the bottom of our hearts for saving us from years of bad quesadillas.

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