Parts of the Whole

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Picture show!

Since I've been desperately struggling to catch up with posting, I thought I'd do a photo montage (insert StrongBad Email music here) to get me back on track.

My anniversary meal from Hula's Mongolian BBQ (which I feasted  upon for 3 days)

My first attempt at Veggie Pizza (mid-bake)

Finished product...more like a blob, a tasty tasty blob

The cupcakes I made for my Motivation Day at work. They even have frosting!

AND sprinkles!

Last night's dinner (and today's dinner and tomorrow's lunch, have I mentioned I heart leftovers??)

So that's what I've been up to. Husband is away again, so I decided I need a hobby. A cheap one. That I can do at home. Naked if I so choose (and I just might, so I highly suggest never stopping by unannounced). I spun the wheel of indecision and landed on working out. I then took a shot of tequila, spun the wheel again and still landed on working out. 

Now, not only do I have to count those empty calories from that friggin' tequila, I also need to find the motivation to get in shape. Enter Binky, who just recently completed her first 10k. She doesn't know it (and I have no idea if she reads my blog or not, which really isn't an issue since we happen to share a brain), but she's has totally inspired me to start running again. I'm currently doing a program called Couch to 5k (or recliner in my case since my couch has a tendency to eat me) and today have started cross training with one of Jillian Michaels' dvds, 30 Day Shred, or as I like to refer to it, That one dvd where the girls demonstrating the moves aren't even breaking a sweat but there's not a dry spot on my body. 

So that's my newest adventure. Further delving into my inner glutton for punishment. But since Husband bought me smokin' hot sweats from Underarmour for my birthday/anniversary, at least I'll look good while doing it. (And thanks Binky for being the bestest bestie a girl could ask for)

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