Parts of the Whole

Saturday, April 23, 2011

The One Where The UDG Gets Free Food Just For Showing Up

Last Sunday, Binky and I set out to the bridal shower of the 3rd member of our tantalizing trio...

...and already our story diverges. Back story: I first met Binky in one of our college classes, something about music and children and worksheets that I never got a 100% on, even with my music major roommate helping me. Fast forward a couple of months and Binky actually became my boss (I worked for the events department at the college during the school year and then stayed on to work the summer crew as well). It was my first time being a supervisor and her first time as a boss and in my own humble opinion, it was like Goddess Dressing and Feta Cheese, Bruce Willis and Die Hard, Mandie and Peanut Butter.

I eventually graduated but continued to work for the college until I found my first big girl job. Now, you know you worked for someone who really has it together, when after you move on to another position after working for said person for two years, you still consider them to be one of the finest human beings. EVER. And during those two years, we were introduced to Cush. Cush was a family friend of THE Boss and worked in the office my last summer there. My introduction to Cush actually happened before I ever met her. Her father, who also worked for the college, came in to chat one day and we ended up on the topic of Cush in South Africa for a school trip. Apparently, she had called to perform her daughterly duty of letting her mother know she was going to be swimming with sharks.  Said mother then did not hear from daughter for a few DAYS.  That is how I became aware of Cush.

So over the years we've bonded and formed the Tantalizing Trio (you can view our journey in picture form if you have access to my Facebook). Now Cush is getting married and we'll get back to our regularly scheduled story...

...The shower was very warm and inviting.  The hosts were extremely attentive, not only to the Bride but to their guests as well.  They totally justify my demands in people acting hospitably toward people in their homes.   These hosts did it to perfection.

The Binky and Me (and I know the camera adds ten pounds, but #%%#$^. I had to crop my arms due to the overwhelming desire to actually go Venus di Milo on myself)

A plethora of chocolate strawberry delights (my favorite was dipped in white chocolate and sprinkle with little tiny chocolate chips, so dainty; I ate it in one bite and I think I chewed but no one was willing to confirm)

CAKE POPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These cookies were absolutely precious and delicious. Such a combination.

Cush opening The UDG and Husband's Present (in real life, she's much more in focus)

Congrats to Cush and Future-Mr-Cush! Very excited for the big day...and more free food.


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